Sunday, February 22, 2015

I need a God of miracles

I have this really good friend who has walked a similar path as I am walking as well as many others in my life. From time to time, usually just when I need to hear it, she will remind me the God is still in the miracle business. She said it this weekend about another situation. I thought at the time how much I yearned to see a miracle – one in my life or my son’s. One in a close friend who is so burdened. One in a family member’s life who is dealing with some hard things. One that erases the pain of addiction or mental health issues, the pain of physical challenges or relationship challenges. The burdens of this world are great. I need hope. I need God of miracles.

There’s a song that Third Day sings and the words to the chorus are:
Well no matter who you are and no matter what you've done
There will come a time when you can't make it on your own
And in your hour of desperation
Know you're not the only one
Prayin', "Lord above, I need a miracle
I need a miracle"

My heart is tender and yes, I need a miracle.

Certainly there is a desire for relief. But I think I really just need to see God’s hand in motion. We are surrounded by miracles every day. Sunrises and sunsets. Births and unexpected blessings. Grace is evident everyday if we look for it. But we humans often really need to come to that place of desperation before our eyes can be opened to the grace of God in action. I had the privilege of getting a glimpse of God’s miraculous intervention in a Facebook post shared by a woman who I met on my trip to Africa about a family whom she knows. For some reason I decided to read it on Wednesday when I saw the post come through. And I cried as I read. My heart was touched by a family I don’t even know. The story was of a mother and a baby born 14 weeks early in Aug at 1 lbs., 1 oz. and had been in the hospital ever since struggling with respiratory issues from her premature birth. Mid-day last Wednesday, Sweet Sophia Marie’s mother’s anguished post said that the doctor had come by to let them know he was disappointed that their sweet baby girl had barely responded to treatment. He was giving her 24 more hours but beyond that there was not much more to do. That post ended with “I’m falling on my knees and face to God begging him for a miracle.” Tears ran down my face thinking of what this woman faced. All she knew to do at this moment was go to her knees before God.

This woman was desperate for a miracle. And then God answered with just that. 5 hours later there was an updated post- with the minister and family there, the doctor came running in after looking at x-rays to let this grieving family know that her lungs were 5 times clearer than the day before and he was going to “stay the course and keep trying”. Supernatural healing. Doesn’t it just give you chills and bring tears to your eyes. God is a God of miracles. He is a God of hope.

Don’t you wish your challenge would suddenly be 5 times better than yesterday? Don’t we all just want a little hope that things will be healed or even just that burdens will be lessened? Don’t we just want hope that it doesn’t only rely on our ability to cope or know the right next step? Don’t we want hope that our battle is not dependent on our strength? And don’t we all think at times it really would take a miracle to feel that hope again?

I think of the story of David and Goliath. David who was just a boy approached Saul and offered to fight Goliath. His strength came from a faith built through his experience of God’s deliverance from other battles. His words were, “The Lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of the Philistine…You come against me with sword, spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord God Almighty.” That small boy with a sling and stone and big faith killed that giant. Now that’s a miracle. Not just that Goliath was killed but that God had developed such a faith in that boy and used that faith as a catalyst for the miracle experienced that day by all who watched. I know many people today who are up against their Goliath. They need that same hope and faith of David. They need a miraculous deliverance. They need a person just like Sophie Marie’s mother willing to go to her knees before God begging for a miracle and willing to be so transparent about their faith and reliance on God and his strength to be an example of humility and reliance. They need hope in a God of miracles.

This verse in 2 Chronicles was sent to me in the last week and speaks to that deliverance. “This is what the Lord says to you, do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army, for the battle is not yours but God’s.” I love that and have shared it. I read it to myself- “Sallie, do not be discouraged because of your son’s addiction or (fill in the blank) for this is God’s battle to fight. Now that’s hope and to really trust that God is fighting the battle on our behalf opens our hearts up to experience a miracle.

If there is anyone out there is who is struggling today and in need of hope or a miraculous intervention- YOU.ARE.NOT.ALONE.

And in your hour of desperation
Know you're not the only one
Prayin', "Lord above, I need a miracle"

My heart is tender and yes, I need a miracle, too. I pray that our eyes are open, our heart is willing and our faith claims that God has got this. He is a God of miracles and of restoration and a peace! Amen!!

Today I run with the hope I see in the miracle of the healing of a special little baby. And, please say a prayer with me for the continued healing of little Sophia Marie and for all those who are praying for a miracle tonight.

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